January 29, 2023

Simple question to anger your doctor to get the care you deserve

angry doctor who may actually take better care of his patient

How (and why) should you respectfully irritate your doctor using this simple question? I'll share a patient story that shows how you can (respectfully) challenge the western biomedical model of health to get the care you deserve. This is particularly true before surgery, where our unmeasurable consciousness is exposed with anesthesia and psychedelic medicine, bringing this long overdue reality to the spotlight in healthcare.

Patient-Doctor Relationship: Hidden Powers

The patient-doctor communication is powerful to harness so patients can empower themselves to receive better care. We explore the importance of asking questions about meaning and happiness in the doctor's office and how addressing the root causes of health and happiness, even if they are unmeasurable by current medical standards, can lead to improved overall well-being. This relationship can be incredibly healing (or harming).

Ask Your Doctor the Tough Questions

When was the last time you asked questions like:

  • Will this make me happier?
  • Does this medication help me find peace and serenity?
  • Is this the right treatment to bring me joy?
  • Does this therapy align with my life goals and purpose?

Drugs Circle Happiness... but we don't Acknowledge the Core

We also uncover the truth about the role of consciousness in our emotions and behaviors, and how huge industries have built their empires around the unmeasurable concept of consciousness by selling products that target serotonin (SSRIs), thyroid hormone replacements, testosterone and estrogen, vitality supplements, and more.

Patients: You Must Advocate for Yourselves!

As patients, it's crucial to remember that our health is our own responsibility and we should be proactive in advocating for ourselves. By asking questions and engaging in open communication with our doctor, we can work together to address the underlying factors that contribute to our health and happiness, including consciousness.

In this video, we will provide specific tips and techniques for respectfully expressing your concerns and needs to your doctor, including how to prepare for your appointment, how to initiate a conversation about meaning and happiness, and how to effectively communicate your needs. We will also discuss common obstacles and challenges that may arise during these conversations and provide strategies for overcoming them.

Visit Dr. Kaveh in San Francisco to experience how psychedelic medicine can help you overcome depression, anxiety, addiction, and chronic pain.

You can also book Dr. Kaveh to speak to inspire your association or organization. And follow his YouTube and TikTok for more medical secrets! Sign up below to keep up with new blog posts!


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